You could flip a coin twice. The result of the first toss chooses the morning activity, and the second toss determines the afternoon choice. There are only 4 different day-schedules available.
I would say that if she is connected to the server and has grained access to the server, Wendy would have to use the command shortkey win+r (to run) or she could just use the "Type here to search" function.
Then you can type the words "cmd" to bring up the command prompt
Lastly, she would need to use the protocol scp to transfer files. Wendy might need to include a destination for the files to be directed to.
In the Programming stage of the system development life cycle, the design specifications are translated into computer code
The above given statement is a fact.
A fact is nothing but a real statement which can never be false or imaginary or told in a future perspective. Let us analyze other options
Option 2: Opinion => An opinion can be anything and it can differ. A opinion is the way one people understand or perceive and give a statement according to that. An opinion always differs.
Option 3: Graphic => This is computer generated file, which can be true or false or imaginary. So this option is invalid
Option 4: Text => A text is nothing but words written together to convey a meaning. Though we feel like it suits the question, since the question speaks about the place, then it must definitely be fact and not just text.
word = input('Enter a single word: ', 's');
n = length(word);
nodupWord = [];
for i = 1:n
dup = false;
c = word(i);
for j = 1:i-1
if word(j) == c
dup = true;
if ~dup
nodupWord = [nodupWord, c]; %add the non-duplicate char to end
disp(['Adjusted word: ', nodupWord])
The code is in Python.