Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) are responsible for offering basic care at a scene of incident while the patient is being taken to hospital.
They perform emergency medical assistance such as CPR and wound bandaging.
They are expected to offer quick reaction and and competent care since peoples lives depend on them.
However since they are not expected to go beyond or above their scope of functions since they are not trained doctors.
C. Vaccination
vaccination is the administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from a disease. Vaccines contain a microorganism or virus in a weakened, live or killed state, or proteins or toxins from the organism.
A. Kidney
It is one of the major organs
A karyotype is a picture in which the chromosomes of a cell
have been stained so that the banding patterns of the chromosomes appear. This
way it is possible to view abnormalities in the chromosomes. Disorders such as aneuploidy can be diagnosed by karyotype.
It can also help identify local abnormalities on chromosomes such as abnormalities
in chromosome length, and location of the
Rice, bread, pasta, and snacks made from white flour are missing their healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Refined grains quickly convert to sugar, which your body stores as fat. A diet high in refined grains can cause belly fat, which studies link to heart disease and type 2 diabetes