Can you give more information??
A questionnaire is a research tool that is consists of a series of questions and that used for collecting information from the population. It is a kind of written interview conduct by a researcher to the population for gathering information. These are carried out by the researcher's face to face interviews, collection the information through phone or by post. It is a cheap and very quick way to get information. It is not a time-consuming process. Because the researcher need not be there with the participants. There could be a closed question, opened question in the questionnaire.
Storage temperatures higher than 100 degrees F may shorten the shelf life of canned goods.
- Canned nourishments are the foremost conspicuously utilized stuffed nourishment all over the world.
- We will see the canned nourishment in each house hold. Individuals utilize them since they are simple to be kept up & require less time to be cooked.
- Temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit are hurtful for canned nourishments.
- On the off chance that the capacity temperature rises, the hazard of deterioration of nourishment bounced strongly.
- There are tall chances of loosing supplement of the caned nourishment, in the event that put away at over 75 degree for exceptionally long period.
- Within the glass containers the light can cause color changes and supplement misfortunes in nourishments.
- That’s why we are exhorted to utilize the more seasoned canned nourishment prior than the more up to date one i.e. we ought to take after the method of LIFO (final in to begin with out).
To know more about "Canned goods"
Answer: European anti-Semitism contributed to the growth of Zionism in the late 1800s
also has strong bilateral relations with major providers of economic and military aid, such as France, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Switzerland, the United States, and particularly the United Kingdom, with whom military ties date to the nineteenth century.