Octavia Autor: Séneca.
El rey Lear Autor: William Shakespeare.
Hamlet Autor: William Shakespeare.
Edipo rey Autor: Sófocles.
El castillo sin venganza Autor: Lope de Vega.
1. Trade off
2. Opportunity cost
3. Cost-benefit analysis
4. Diminishing marginal utility
1. Giving up one benefit or advantage to gain another regarded as more favorable is called trade-off. Every economic decision involves some trade-off.
2. Opportunity cost is the second-best alternative or value of the alternative, that must be given up when making a choice. Because of scarce resources with alternative uses allocation of resources involves some opportunity cost.
3. Cost-benefit analysis can be defined as the process of examining the benefits and costs of each available alternative in arriving at a decision. Resources are allocated efficiently if the cost incurred and benefit earned is equal.
4. As we go on increasing the quantity consumed of a product, the marginal utility or satisfaction earned from its consumption goes on decreasing. This is called diminishing marginal utility.
The answer is 3. Subtracting cost of goods sold from net sales
Gross margin or Gross profit is the profit a business earn after deducting cost associated with making the goods from net sales(Net sales - Cost of goods sold or Cost of sales)
To calculate cost of goods sold - opening inventory/stock plus purchases minus closing inventory/stock.
The attached file also support this statement.
If a price is too high to clear the market, that means the quantity of supplies have exceeded the amount that is demanded.
Have a great summer :)