Active site and protein.
The two components which are often found as part of an enzyme are Active site and protein. Proteins are referred to as macromolecules or macromolecules which consists of more or one of a chain of amino acid residue. They do perform an array of functions which are within organisms.
What is coagulation test?
When you cut yourself, clotting stops the blood from becoming excessive. Your blood should not clot as it flows through your veins, though. These clots have the potential to develop and move through your bloodstream to your heart, lungs, or brain. A heart attack, stroke, or even death could result from this.
Coagulation assays assess the speed and consistency of blood clotting. Your doctor can use testing to determine your risk of excessive bleeding or the occurrence of clots (thrombosis) in one of your blood arteries.
Venous blood samples for coagulation assays should be drawn into a blue top tube containing 3.2% buffered sodium citrate to produce whole blood samples with a 9:1 blood to anticoagulant ratio.
To know more about coagulation test click on the following link
It should be cellular respiration..
Volcanoes, burning fossil fuels, and respiration of organisms.
Volcanoes, burning fossil fuels, and respiration of organisms releases carbondioxide that forms atmospheric carbondioxide. The carbon enters in the biosphere through the process of photosynthesis. In plants, carbondioxide enters in the plant body which is used as a reactant from which food is prepared. The carbon present in the plant body in the form of glucose which can be transferred into another organism due to feeding of organisms. The organism released this carbon in the form of carbondioxide when the eaten food is broken down for the release of energy. In that way, carbon moves from biosphere to the atmosphere whereas Volcanoes and burning fossil fuels releases carbon in the atmosphere, in this way carbon moves from lithosphere to atmosphere.
Answer: In a period of time water has the power to dissolve salts. Too much salt and not enough water is not good for your body. For instance, take Kool Aid, if you pour to much of the mixture in a little bit of water it wont dissolve correctly.