Answer:the word is not marma ok it karma ok
Explanation:I must saturate myself with repose and with the underlying—with Karma.
Karma is the Law of the Universe, the expression of divine Will.
And what have ye done to Karma, that he is so wet and silent?
How can one substitute here a sameness of Karma for identity of soul?
I soon discovered that, no matter how the wheel is turned, the Karma or merit is equal.
Equally unsatisfying is the statement that phenomena are aggregates of Karma.
Direct relationship.
There is direct relationship between growth rates and time which means growth rate of organism increases with the passage of time. Direct relationship means if one increases the other automatically increases and if one decreases, the other also decreases. The growth of bacteria becomes double when more time passes and vice versa. After every 20 minutes, the population of bacteria becomes double.