I guess when they go against your morals and values you hold as an individual. If they do (go against them, negatively) then you should not play the sport
"I guess when they go against your morals and values you hold as an individual"
If you feel uncomfortable or hurt in a way that changes how you think of that sport (negatively) then stop it right then and there
But there is...
When... let's say people are known in the sport for being mean to each other and the other team
That is when you step up and be the bigger person and do what's right, being nice and welcoming, "do unto others as you would like others do unto you"
if the other team is being mean...
then still be that good person but show that you mean business and play harder, use the anger or irritation that, that team is causing you to have and play your heart out, use it as a drive
"kill them with kindness"
It's all about integrity and showing the best you
1) Implied consent
2) There is no effect of the consent on the physician/organisation because the patient was unconscious.
1) The type of consent that can be applied to this scenario is called implied consent.
2) In such an emergency situation the consent of an unconscious patient or a patient that is unable to communicate presumed to give his/her consent if they were able to. Since the patient came into the ER it would be assumed that she came to the hospital for treatment and would have given her consent if she was conscious. I don’t think that any consequences for such an action. The Doctor only carried out the procedure due to the fact that it was a life or death situation for both the mother and the baby.
Extravasation refers to the leaking of a fluid from a blood vessel of a container.
Infiltration refers to the accumulation of a substance in quantities above the normal.
Hematoma is basically a bruise in the skin .
Phlebitis refers to the inflammation of a vein, its symptoms are pain and redness along the vein. Usually the spot where the inflammation is tends to be warmth. There are palpable cords along the course of the vein that can be a sign of a superficial clot or superficial thrombophlebitis.
The symptoms of this patient are consistent with phlebitis due to the infusion.