.1.Scale economies in connection with urban economics (i.e., related to land use,housing, or firm location)A.2.Pecuniary agglomeration economiesA.3.Technological agglomeration economiesA.4.Retail agglomeration economiesA.5.ExternalitiesA.6.ceteris paribus assumptionA.7.A numeraire goodA.8.An efficient allocation of resources
I believe the answer is: B. <span>You only need to sign a deposit slip when receiving cash.
Deposit slip would be filled with a list of cash and cash equivalent that you give to bank teller to be added to your bank account.
Most bank provide the services which allow you to take small percentage of your deposited check in the form of cash. When doing this, you need to sign it as a form of authorization.</span><span />
it is intrapersonal, and i know that for a fact.
The answer for this statement is TRUE