An Integer in an object that represent an int (Integer a = new Integer(3) would represent 3).
I'm not sure about Real.
A String is an object that represents a word. (String a = "dog")
Hope this kind of helps
def average_value_in_file(filename):
f = open(filename)
total = 0
count = 0
for x in
total += int(x)
count += 1
return total/count
I used an input file that looks like this:
Nuclear Fusion reactors may reach the prototype commercial stage
, The causes and possible treatment of Alzheimers Disease and Partial cloning of human organs for transplant therapy
Fusion may be an energy technology that seems to be perpetually coming over the horizon, but projects around the world such as SPARC are getting increasingly close to reactors that, although smaller in capacity, can produce net positive power in just a few years. To help accelerate discovery of permanent cure for Alzheimers, an alliance of pharmaceutical companies, nonprofit foundations and government advisers, has developed a partnership to share data from Alzheimer's clinical trials. This would definitely pave way for the permanent cure for Alzheimer. The most common method of therapeutic and reproductive cloning is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). SCNT involves separating the nucleus from a donor egg, and replacing it with the DNA from the organism meant to be cloned. Scientists could potentially clone organs with SCNT by cloning embryos, extracting the stem cells from the blastocyst, and stimulating the stem cells to differentiate into the desired organ. these three scientific and technological advancements are possible.
True. A goal programming problem
Goal programming is an optimisation technique to solve problems with multiplicity of objectives, which are generally in commensurable and they often conflict each other in a decision making horizon.In a certain programming environment, optimisation of a set of objectives is involved there in the decision situation. Here, instead of optimising them directly, achievement of the assigned target values called aspiration levels of them is considered. In goal programming method, the unwanted deviations (under and / or over) from the aspired levels are minimised in the goal achievement function (objective function) to reach a satisfactory solution in a crisp decision environment