Los protones tienen una carga positiva. Los electrones tienen una carga negativa. La carga del protón y del electrón son exactamente del mismo tamaño, pero opuestas.
Answer: Yes! there is life in the stratosphere but not the type you think, it's actually microbial life forms that live on it.
Your DNA is comprised of chromosomes which is comprised of genes. Your genes determine which inherited traits you receive from your parents. When you parents "make you" they each donate 16 chromosomes that contain many genes. These chromosomes make up your DNA, which effects your inherited traits such as, eye color, and hair color.
Hope this helps!
It depends on the animal(s)
If its a larger animal such as a lion it would have to be put into a large cage and put into a truck, if its a smaller animal such as a dog you can hold it or also put it in a smaller cage...
Neural stem cells are normally found within the brain and spinal cord. NSCs are specialized stem cells that can differentiate into the cell types of the central nervous system, including neurons and glial cells