Answer: 1) During the middle of 18th century Italy was divided into seven states if which Sardinia and Piedmont were under princely states . 2) north under Austria , centre ruled by Pope and south ruled by Spain. 3) the main leaders were Victor Emmanuel ll of Sardinia , chief minister count Cavour Mazzini and Garibaldi .
Because alcohol has huge negative impact on the driving, (it slows a person's motor skills and ability to react quickly), alcohol while driving is strictly forbidden. Driving with an open container of alcohol in the car is against the law.
Drivers under 21 may not carry unopened containers of liquor, beer, or wine in a vehicle unless they are placed in the trunk.
The calories in sugar sweetened beverages can contribute to weight gain and provide little to no nutritional value. Sugar-sweetened beverages do not fill you up the same way that food does. Those extra calories can lead to other health risks including obesity, tooth decay, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.