Multiply 2/3 and your number. If you have a whole number, convert it to a fraction by putting it over a denominator of 1. When multiplying fractions, calculate numerator times numerator, then denominator times denominator. For example, to find two-thirds of 18, multiply 2/3 x 18/1 to get 36/3.
Step-by-step explanation:
C=2pr, r=c/(2p)
a=pr^2, using r found above we get:
a=(c^2)/(4p), since c=106.76 and we approximate pi as 3.14
a=11612.2176/12.56 cm^2
a≈924.54 cm^2 (to nearest one-hundredth of a square cm)
We have to find how can someone convert the temperature from degrees Farhenheit to degrees Celsius using the function. The temperature in degrees Celsius is equal to the temperature in degrees Farhenheit minus 32 times 5/9. Or C ( F ) = ( F - 32 ) * 5/9. For example: the temperature is F = 50°; C ( 50 ) = ( 50 - 32 ) * 5/9 = 18 * 5/ 9 = 10 °C. Answer: The function is: C ( F ) = ( F - 32 ) * 5/9.
Hope this helped.
I like the answer is c because it doubles