1. it influences it whereby a person has to choose a suitable career that will allow the person to give back to the community and help the community2.by not being able to afford all the things needed at school for eg. textbooks 3.if you dont have any colleges / universities close by and you cannot afford accomodation fees for a place close by to your campus and also cannot afford traveling fees, distance can be a problem if you dont have access/ cant afford equipment needed4. Both men and women have experienced career-related stereotypes. Gender is a factor included in multiple career development theories and approaches including, Social Learning and multicultural career counseling. How we view ourselves as individuals may influence both the opportunities and barriers we perceive as we make career decisions. Studies of gender and career development are ongoing as roles of men and women in the workforce, and in higher education, evolve.
EXPALNATION When adjusting the ammount of oxygen the fooodwill be preserverd longer, this happens when you cutt an apple it starts to turn brown.
The answer is F or false
The ovaries are glands specific to females