While you didn't provide us with any concrete answers, this relationship is something related to an alliance, but in reality isn't one because the smaller country is only doing this because they're afraid of repercusions.
When I scientist is setting up a control group they should get a product alike but really shouldn’t do anything. The control group is the group that stays the same so the scientist can see what changed. So for example: if u r testing that is a dog gets more pets they will be happier. So the control group would be the dogs that have gotten the amount of pets they had before, and the other group would be the group that got MORE pets. I hope this answers ur question
The Soviet Union no longer provided aid and weapons to African countries.
After the war ended, U.S. troops were demobilized and rapidly sent home. One unanticipated and unwanted effect of their return was the emergence of a new strain of influenza that medical professionals had never before encountered.