Type I Diabetes Mellitus or as specified "Juvenile Diabetes" Is a somewhat uncommon form of diabetes which results as the inability to produce insulin, which is needed to process glucose. Many believe this type of diabetes is caused by adverse immune reaction that results in the body attacking the Beta cells of the pancreas which insulin is produced from. The condition is chronic, and requires insulin to mantain.
Protect individuals
Protect society
Increase wellness
Immunization could simply be described as an inoculation process which is geared towards making children or individuals within a country or particular space immune to certain identified infection. Obtained immunization doses acts as a firewall against the infection for which the immunization was conducted. With the process of immunization, the overall wellness or health of individuals immunized is increased. Similarly, such individual is guarded against the invasion of the identified infection. Once, individuals ar protected, the spread of the infection to the larger society is curtailed.
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