It could give the community or individual lead poisoning or a disease that can contaminate water. Now I'm just a 5th grader that's saying this so I'm not so sure. Maybe a disease caused a contamination. For instance, I'm using mosquitos and their eggs. if it was in the summer, the mosquito that might have west Nile, ebola, or Zika would lay an egg thats also contaminated. if a person drank faucet/tap water, he would get infected with that disease because the eggs travel through the water pipe to homes. It could spread because west Nile and ebola (might) be contagious. so the person who drank it walks around the city, and sneezes and coughs which spreads germ to other people. REMEMBER:IM JUST A FIFTH GRADER ANSWERING THIS QUESTION
Your grandfathers surgery would happen at an outpatient surgery center most likely vs a main hospital campus. Outpatient surgery centers are made for smaller procedures like this, with less equipped OR's. Small procedures like this happen at outpatient surgery centers so that there is more room for large trauma in the big hospitals.
The song fly me to the moon is about a Man who wants his partner to "fly him to the moon" as in take all his worries away and wanting to be kissed. based on this I think its about the human need for affection.
sorry if this is a bad answer this is all i could think of.