Alright my friend the answer to your question will be true let's put an example in to inform why it is alright so say you and your cousin look a like that's because the genetics are similar but not exactly the same
<span>epidermolysis bullosais caused by the 12th chromosome
1, O because if either shows present it's O.
It would change too because the reaction is based on the enzyme.
Answer: This is called Monohybrid Experiment
Explanation: Monohybrid Cross
P Generation TT * tt
Tall plants Dwarf plants
F1 Generation
t Tt Tt
t Tt Tt
In F1 generation;
There are 100% Tt Genotype and 100% Tall plant Phenotype
F2 Generation
F1 * F1
( Tt * Tt )
T t
t Tt tt
In F2 Generation;
There are 25% TT (homozygous dominant, tall plants).
50% Tt (heterozygous tall plants), and
25% tt (homozygous recessive dwarf plants).
This is how dwarf characteristics reappear in the second generation.
The Phenotype of F2 generation is 3:1 (Tall : Dwarf)
I have attached a document to this answer to facilitate effective understanding if there is anormalities in arrangement the Punnet Square.