They would at least get 50% of energy from hay to make the milk or more
The cell wall of gram-negative bacteria is thin (approximately only 10 nanometers in thickness), and is typically comprised of only two to five layers of peptidoglycan, depending on the growth stage. In gram-positive bacteria, the cell wall is much thicker (20 to 40 nanometers thick).
Peces, algunos anfibios, moluscos, artrópodos, gusanos
Creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.
Answer: B. Tendon
A tendon is a fibrous connective tissue which attaches muscle to bone. A tendon serves to move the bone or structure. Tendons may also attach muscles to structures such as the eyeball. While a ligament is a fibrous connective tissue which attaches bone to bone, and usually serves to hold structures together and keep them stable.
A bursa is a tiny fluid-filled sac that functions as a gliding surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body. The plural of bursa is bursae. There are 160 bursae in the body. The major bursae are located adjacent to the tendons near the large joints, such as the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees.
A fascia is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs. From the various definitions given above shows that the tendon is the correct answer to the question asked.