print(“Coding is fun.”)
The proper format for a print statement is usually you have the print statement followed by the string in quotes in parentheses.
Hope this helped!
The main concept of the defense in depth is that the various defensive mechanism series are used for protecting the data and the information in the system. This approach is basically used multiple layers to control the cyber security. It also mainly provide the redundancy for controlling the security failure in the system.
The detection in depth basically provide the redundant overlapping approach and it is used for detecting the security and also accomplish the response that are available in the security detection.
The correct answer to the following question is option b.)sends messages involving products of companies previously sued under the CAN-SPAM Act.
This act is an act of Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Marketing And Other things.
It is the law that establish the rules for the commercial message and the commercial e-mails, gives recipients right to have the business stops emailing them, and they outline the penalties incurred for those person who has violated the law.
Recycling, in general, is good, it saves space in landfills and prevents pollution. Because some of the materials used to make the electronic piece are made with toxic ingredients its better to recycle them instead of having them end up in our oceans. Also, some pieces of electronics contain valuable metals like gold and copper. These Metals can be reused to make new better electronics with having to use the energy and money to produce new materials
El reciclaje, en general, es bueno, ahorra espacio en los vertederos y evita la contaminación. Debido a que algunos de los materiales utilizados para fabricar la pieza electrónica están hechos con ingredientes tóxicos, es mejor reciclarlos en lugar de que terminen en nuestros océanos. Además, algunos componentes electrónicos contienen metales valiosos como el oro y el cobre. Estos metales se pueden reutilizar para fabricar nuevos y mejores productos electrónicos con la necesidad de utilizar la energía y el dinero para producir nuevos materiales.