The answer is scientific theory. It amalgamates scientific law about objects and events that are widely accepted and tested. Scientific theory rationalizes phenomenon, that is not rigorously understood, through science. Examples of scientific theories today are the special relativity theory of Albert Einstein.
Sandstone rocks<span> are most likely the result of compacting and cementing particles together.</span>
Considering that homeostasis is restored in the patient, his blood pH range would return to normal levels (7.35-7.45), and his hydrogen ion concentration in the blood would normalize. The effect of normalizing the body by getting rid of excess hydrogen ions is achieved by concentrating these ions into the urine for expulsion, therefore increasing the pH levels of urine.
Medical Disclaimer: The information on this site is for academic purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
Acidosis is the condition wherein excessive acid build-up within the body causes the blood pH to become lower than normal (normal pH range 7.35-7.45). This may be due to an excessive loss of bicarbonate in the blood, also known as metabolic acidosis, or due to an impairment in the elimination of carbon dioxide in the blood from poor lung function, also known as respiratory acidosis. The body's natural response to acidosis is to increase the breathing rate to eliminate carbon dioxide in the blood, restoring the natural pH of the body.
In people with diabetes mellitus type I, the lack of insulin causes cells to breakdown fat aside from glucose as an energy source. This process produces ketones as a metabolic by-product for energy but also causes the body to be acidic. This is known as diabetic ketoacidosis.
B. Black-eyed Susans and daisies used to be part of the same species. A random mutation in a subset of a population caused one group to release their pollen three weeks before the other, causing interbreeding to cease.
Temporal isolation, where temporal relates to time. So temporal isolation is the process where two populations will reproduce at different times/different seasons and therefore cause a split in species. In this case, we see the flowers release pollen at different times and caused a split into two distinct species.
The energy of the sun of course :3