Answer: <em>Therapist Asks The Patient In Therapy To Freely Share Thoughts And Words Of What They Are Feeling.</em>
Explanation: The Shared Information Has To Be Coherent, But Can Be Better If Authentically Shared Words And Thoughts.
Answer:C. structure-function claim
Explanation: Structure-Function claim is a claim made on the label or other parts of the product to signify that the nutrients contained in the products have the capacity to affect the functions or structure of the body system of the user. Examples include "Calcium builds strong bones" "Vitamin A improves your the functioning of the Eyes". These claims are usually verified by the FDA(FOOD AND DRUGS ADMINISTRATION) a United States of America agency.
Homelessness are social problem that impacts the health of a community for they are prone for a broad range of acute and chronic illnesses because they lack proper nutrition, good hygiene and they could be deprived of medical assistance.
Once they are sick, they could spread the infection to one community to the other because they have the tendency to hop on one place to the other where they can take shelter. Therefore, they could be a carrier of bacteria and viruses that will put the health of a community at risk.
The scientific steps is what you should follow realwged to the code of conduct