Well most word processing softwares allow you to do many things to a document, if you use google documents or microsoft word i'm pretty sure you can do all of those things
The drill down term is basically used in the information technology for the explore the multidimensional information or data by navigating the different layers of the data from the web page applications.
Drill down basically involve in the database by accessing the specific information through the database queries. Each query basically increase the data granularity. This term is also involve with the link for represent the details more specifically.
The drill down is the simple approach or technique for dividing the complex problems into small parts so that it make the technique more efficient.
When I went to high school, our next door neighbor had a pet dinosaur. We used to have to do math problems that were incredibly long and tedious. Things like the gas laws. They involve 5 numbers with 2 decimal places and we were asked to find the 6th number.
Eventually we were taught to use log tables but by then we were too numb to care.
Computers however take repetitiveness in their stride. They don't gag at how many times they have to repeat an operation. They don't mind if they do it a thousand times or a million or 100 million times. Some algorithms like the Monte Carlo method depend on trying an operation a million times. Humans would go crazy if they had to do that. Computers can do simple algorithms a million times while the mouse is on the go command.
If you pick a job like a tax consultant, you will be glad not to do any more than knowing where the numbers that make up your data go.
Same with banks and insurance jobs. I'll bet there are many jobs in medicine that require repetitive calculations.
they us websites to look thing up that are need
hope this helps