A) an error in either egg or sperm meiotic anaphase
A condition in which human contain 45 chromosomes instead of 46 is called aneuploidy or abnormal chromosome number. The most common cause of aneuploidy happens during cell division when the chromosomes do not separate properly between the two cells.
A missing chromosome or an extra chromosome is a common cause of genetic disorders.
Purpose: Meiosis is a special version of cell division that occurs only in the testes and ovaries; the organs that produce the male and female reproductive cells; the sperm and eggs. ... Therefore the purpose of meiosis is to produce gametes, the sperm, and eggs, with half of the genetic complement of the parent cells.
Genetic variability is a measure of the tendency of individual genotypes in a population to vary (become different) from one another. Variability is different from genetic diversity, which is the amount of variation seen in a particular population.
Meiosis generates genetic diversity through a process called crossing over which allows new combinations of variations to appear in gene pool. ... Chiasmatal points appear randomly on homologous chromosomes, hence amount of genetic material exchanged in every case/cell could be different.
The kingdom would be Plantae because it has membrane bound organelles as well as green chloroplasts, and a nucleus.
antibodies are produced in response to infection and that these antibodies are designed to specifically target particular antigens and bind tightly to them.