It means very determined, like you have a goal, and you are going to complete it. Even if you mess up you keep trying over and over again.
A toma can be either a fruit or vegetable
every 5 seconds.
This question wants to test out knowledge on Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation(CPR) and Automated external defibrillator(AED). When a person's heart is no more functioning the way it should there is a need to perform a Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation(CPR) for that person and the procedure during such emergency is given below;
(1). Always remember to size the scene that is one should make sure that the environment is safe for the patient.
(2). Assess the patient for the first time before calling for ambulance.
(3). Then, perform the second assessment of the patient which involves you to perform a "rescue breathing at a rate of 1 rescue breath about once every" 5 seconds.
What I did was to find something to go for such as a grade or something else like that then work a little bit every single day towards that then when you get it then find something else as a goal and work towards it