Even the Evil, the possessed, and the spiteful can play the biggest role in the path to good
No one sets your sets your destiny, except yourself, and your decisions
No one is who they seem to be
The weak and most powerless people, who have a big heart, even if they may seem awful are the key elements towards the right path, the good path
Your life is not given to you, you have to forge your own path in the fire, or else thou does not know what it is to live
Josh watched television all day yesterday. Is the correct answer, hope this helps.
you may have phrases every aspect of life and aall aspect of life
the life is encompasses 7 human attributes 1 selfaspect 2 behavioural were the same person at 20 or 30 or 40years of age .... for me all of our personal characteristics abilities traits qualities and experiences all fall your body allows you to Express yourself receive sensations and experience the world