1. 50% of the genome comes from each parent because it is crucial otherwise if the ratio changes, the zygote may not form and if formed the fetus may have some other kind of chromosome number related syndromes etc.
2. Sexual reproduction produces greater genetic variability than asexual methods. This is because of the process of crossing over during meiosis that exchange the segments of chromosome that is necessary for producing mutations and genetic variability.
3. 50% of chromosomes match with each parent because both of the parents contributed 23 chromosomes and exactly 50% of their genome.
4. The gametes must be produced by two different individuals cause that is the main purpose of sexual reproduction and give better survival like this to the forming next generation. Not to mention produces greater genetic variability among species.
5. Plants always produces both eggs because they are hermaphroditic in nature.
1. A forensic pathologist would most likely perform a forensic autospy. Forensic pathologists focus on cause of death by examining a bod or corpse. They perform postmortem examinations.
2. Insect activity will begin immediately if a body is left in the open. That is why insect activity can help investigations with determining certain things such as time of death, where the person died and the like.
3. A light meal will digest in about 1-2 hours. Digestion rates can give useful information about when a person had died. Medium meals take about 3-4 hours to digest and heavier meals take about 6 hours.
4. Indicative acts are actions or behaviors that may or may not have taken place before someone dies. Indicative is suggestive, so it may or may have happened. When you say indicative acts you are referring to what may have happened (or may not) based on certain circumstances, observations or evidence.
Stomata are the organs present on the stem and leaves of the plant and help in the gaseous exchange and evaporating water present in the aerial parts of the plant. Mainly leaves stomata plays role in gaseous exchange and transpiration which is the evaporation of the aerial water of plants by opening and closing the stomata. Stomata are small pores mostly and normally present under the leaves and regulated by the guard cells, dum bell shaped cells to close or close it.
Other than closing and opening the stomata, stomata density also can affect the rate of gas exchange as well as transpiration. Stomata density is the presence of the numbers of the stomata per unit area. In heat or sunny area the stomata density is higher than the shady or dark area to increase the transpiration in order to cool down the leaves of the plant which prevent the chloroplast proteins to denature.
Because condensation on the slant effects the bacterial growth in the test tube.
- When agar is solidify in the test tube tilted, it takes a shape of slide on one side of the tube which is known as slat.
- Slant is used instead of petri dishes because they provide more surface area for growth.
- Water in the slat can invade the test tube, making agar unstable and the bacterial growth on the slat will be affected by moisture in bottom of slant.
- In petri dishes, it is no big problem of moisture condensation.
Answer. The more an experiment is repeated, with the same outcomes, the more biased it becomes