Elaborate more on your question! Include details that we don't know.
Showing fractions with models is giving a visual and sometimes can be easier to process.They also can be in picture form or other.Ex. A piece of pizza cut into fourths.
Showing fractions on a number line is also giving a visual but still allows you to add and subtract using numbers if that makes sense.Ex.
. ----.-------.
1/3 2/3 3/3
(-2, -4.5) is the answer!
I hope this helps!
We are given with two distances: 5,880,000,000,000 miles and 15.8 light-years. we convert first the light-years distance through the speed of light : 3 x 108 m/s. v = d/t; d = 3x10 8 m/s * 15.8 light years * 31536000 s = 1.4948 x1017 m = 9.28829 x 1013 miles. The difference thus is 8.70029 x 1013 miles