The correct answer is Imperialism - Systems
<u>Determinants of World War I
Death of the heir to the Austrian throne Francisco Fernando and his wife, on June 28, 1914;
Progress of capitalism and the consequent social problems of the urban proletariat and of the poor workers in general;
Imperialism and colonialism generated by the extraordinary industrial growth that aggravated the shocks of economic and political interest between the industrialized powers;
German expansionism and the transformation of Germany into the largest industrial power in Europe, brought a rivalry against him in France, England and Russia;
French anti-Germanism, as a result of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871), in which France was defeated and forced to deliver to the Germans the regions of Alsace and Lorraine, the latter rich in iron ore;
The Russian-German rivalry, caused by the German intention to build a railway connecting Berlin to Baghdad. Russia reacted, as the road would link Germany to the Middle East, rich in oil and possessing an attractive consumer market, as well as passing through regions where the Russians intended to increase their influence;
English anti-Germanism, the result of German industrial competition. On the eve of the war, German and English products competed in markets that until then had been dominated exclusively by England. When German products started to penetrate England itself, the English industrial and financial bourgeoisie started to feed the idea that Germany should be contained.