a. Concept Screening
Because each criterion is given equal weight in the <em>concept screening</em> method, the team should be careful not to list many relatively unimportant criteria. The concept screening method is used to choose important concepts. It is important not to list relatively unimportant criteria. Each concept will be compared to a baseline concept.
Answer:I think music, drama or art should be electives so that students can have a choice based on what they are good at , this will be positive and motivational to the students
What are the advantages ?
Art , music and drama challenges the students to be creative and venture out of the ordinary ideas as they create portraits or compose music or learn to play musical instruments.
It challenges them to think critically which can develop them even personally.
Students who want to see themselves in the entertainment industry get an early training that prepare them in advance so that they can be aware of any challenges that are there.
It can also preoccupies the students with the fresh and new ideas and may help them focus in school as their critical thinking get improved .
Eventhough there are many advantages that can be mentioned about studying art or drama and music all of these are based on talents and not everyone is good at them which is the reason they should be electives so that students who are good and passionate about these can benefit.
(A.) The legislative branch
The legistrative branch in America primary power is to make the country's laws. This branch is further divided into two other Chambers which are The House of Representatives and The Senate. The members who are to act in this two Chambers are elected by the people.
In order to pass an act for bill approval by the president both houses must pass the same version of bill by majority vote, after which the president then decides if to sign or reject the bill according to the veto power given by the constitution.
You are concerned for your mother, but she needs more help than you are able to provide.
Panic attack occur when a person is suddenly scared or afraid when their is no real danger or cause for alarm.
An individual that experience panic attack will often have anxiety and phobia disorder.
The adolescent student nurse mother need more help than the student can provide because panic attack can be treated with a behaviour therapist and with medication.
Although Panic attack are often not dangerous but they can sometime be hard to manage without medication.
Some of the symptoms of panic attacks can include: sweating, shaking, shortness of breath among others.
Usually they moved to a different animal to hunt and relied more on crops for a season or two