The state of Arkansas appears to be the first state to use state funds to help its counties improve their local roads.
Private benefits received by college students and the demand curve for college education will shift up.
Subsidies started in 1800. The student's subsidy was started around world war II. These subsidies aid programs aim to help students. It is processed in which the higher tea payer will pay the tax and that tax used in education services for the student. It is related to demand and supply. But there are most of the federal subsidy suffered from a large amount of fraud, waste, and abuse. Health institution, Medicaid, school lunches all suffers from these heavy downfalls and a large amount of fraud and waste of subsidy.
Benjamin Franklin was right when he said "Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable". US constitution remains not only relevant but very similar to the original document, therefore, durability is the right answer.
Using the cost-benefit analysis table to answer the question: should Mis. Baxter allow her students to take an open-book test the best option to fill the blank pace is: Mrs. Baxter may have to reteach the material.
First of all, let's analyze the context and the answers.
In this case, let's consider the first option. It doesn't matter if the students obtain better results if she instead applied a closed-book test. Increasing the notes the students would obtain wouldn't mean they learned the correct answer. But that they know how to find information. So it is the most logical considering the cost-benefit analysis.
The second option says that Mrs. Baxter wouldn't need to proctor the exam. But just because it is an open book test doesn't mean students won't feel insecure about their answers and won't copy from classmates, so it's wrong.
Parents may be happier with grades. This could be a good choice but may is such an ambiguous answer that doesn't say anything. It is a tricky answer we have a 50% chance they would be happier with nice grades, but if asked her the reason they wouldn't be happy. So, it's wrong because, in the end, she didn't test their knowledge.
Fourth option Parents will encourage children to study. They could provide them reinforcement for good performance but not encourage them. They would encourage them if they performed badly. Also if they knew how they obtained it, they would definitely know they were not tested and would have a reason to be rewarded. So it is also wrong.
Is this actually a homework question or are you giving ur personal opinion here?