The answer is C, Thomas Edison
The new nation also faced economic and foreign policy problems. A huge debt remained from the Revolutionary War and paper money issued during the conflict was virtually worthless. In violation of the peace treaty of 1783 ending the Revolutionary War, Britain continued to occupy forts in the Old Northwest.
European nations wanted to control lands that had raw materials for industry and manufacturing.
In the wake of the industrial revolution, the international order changed. Nations needed raw materials and markets, and they needed to secure them before other nations did. That also shaped the form of imperialism used in the 1800s. Before, the European countries tried to settle in the conquered territories and work the land. But in 1800, nations established outposts and an extractive economy that sought to obtain the raw materials as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Nations also needed to control markets for their goods, which led to wars against large Empires like China, which was a huge potential market. The British set an example for other Nations by imposing trade treaties with the use of warships.
Answer: it provided the platform for the Latin American revolutions.
Explanation: read the documents and positions by the French revolutionaries. The Latin American creoles fought using the same principles.