d. selection, organization, interpretation.
Perception: In psychology, the term perception is described as various ways through which different sensory information is being consciously experienced, organized, and interpreted by an individual. Perception is considered as a psychological phenomenon.
In psychology, the phenomenon of perception involves both top-down processing as well as bottom-up processing.
Generally, perception involves five distinct stages including organization, stimulation, memory, interpretation-evaluation, and recall.
i belive the answer to be slavery
<em>Utilitarianism</em> is a philosophical standard by which utility for the greater good is promoted. This means that while the individual's status is degraded, it is acceptable so long as the net benefit or utility gained from the action is sufficiently beneficial for the rest of society/greater good.
This will lead to openness or Privacy Dialectic. Privacy dialectic captures the wish or longing for both intimacy while we desire or get distance between ourselves and others. The open–closed dialectic is the inner fight stuck between our expression and privacy.