Although they did not want to leave their country,they were not interested
The most important influence of the Latin language is that many words, especially in technical and scientific fields, come from Latin.
For example, the world Agriculture from the Latin <em>agricultura</em>, which is at the same time a composed word: form <em>ager</em>, meaning field, and <em>culture, </em>meaning cultivation.
Like this, we have many other examples, because Latin was for thousands of years, the lingua franca of Europe, much like English is the lingua franca of the world today. Scholars, scientists, students, monks, and so on, often wrote in Latin, instead of their native languages.
Answer is c because British were smart with military tactics
Farmers mastered irrigation early, providing more crops than they needed to support the population.
In the image they are squeezed together very tight in that little compartment under the boat. therefore, overcrowded.