Which line from Grendel best depicts the darker side of the character Beowulf? A. He paused, his eyebrows cocked, and glanced at
the coastguard and smiled. (155) B. The sea-pale eyes of the stranger were focused on nothing. (155) C. The stranger stopped eating, smiled. (160) D. The stranger smiled on, his downward-slanting eyes like empty pits. (161)
<h2>D) The stranger smiled on, his downward-slanting eyes like empty pits. (161)</h2><h2 /><h2>Explanation:</h2><h2 />
Grendel is a role in the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf. He is one of the poem's three opponents, all arranged in action to the protagonist Beowulf. Grendel is worried by all but Beowulf. Grendel is represented as dropped from the family of the Biblical character Cain, from Genesis 4 of the Bible.