1. Damaged bases are recognized.
2. Part of a single strand is excised.
3. DNA polymerase I adds correct bases by 5′ to 3′ replication.
4. DNA ligase seals the new strand to existing DNA.
If distinct biological species are to coexist in sympatry, they must be reproductively isolated and must exploit different limiting resources.
They release chemical messengers to communicate with cells they may or may not be in direct contact with.
Unicellular organisms such as bacteria or yeast, 'talk' to each other through the release of chemicals. In bacteria, this is known as quorum sensing which allows them to determine the surrounding bacterial population density. In yeast, one of the more popular pathways is known as the mating factor pathway, which allow the organisms to find mates. Whereas, in multicellular organisms (such as humans), this chemical release allows for cell-cell co-ordination which keeps the system functioning correctly.
The aquifer which will be most effective in purifying polluted ground water is AN AQUIFER COMPOSED MAINLY OF SAND.
An aquifer refers to a zone of permeable rock strata which transmit ground water freely. An aquifer must be permeable and porous. Ground water can be extracted from an aquifer by using a water well.
The frontal bone can also be known as the forehead