It should be Ozone, hope that helps.
Trees release CO2 which is Oxygen.
Plants release water vapor through Photosynthesis.
In order to prevent/detect cervical cancer early, all girls/women should have a pap smear (or the fancy name of Papanicolau smear) every 3 years after they begin having intercourse or at the age of 21, regardless of sexual activity.
The evolution of molecular biology has made possible to establish a new classification of all organisms according to their DNA, and it's called phylogenetic classification. This classification group living beings according to their kinship it is established according to anatomical, and especially genetic, based on the similarity of genes between species.
This made it possible to discover kinship ties between species of which there is no suspicion of any morphological link between them, something which the old classification (the traditional classification) was incapable of doing (and this proves the importance of the DNA and genes in organisms classification.
Glycolysis is the process of production of pyruvate from glucose by various enzymatic steps.
This pyruvate is further used in different ways; as it is differently used in the presence of oxygen or in the absence of oxygen.
In the absence of oxygen, lactate is generated form pyruvate, as given here, if this enzyme is non-functional, then lactate would not be produced.
In the presence of oxygen, pyruvate is oxidized in TCA cycle and finally through electron transport chain, energy in generated.
They are both plants so they will have a cell wall