Groundwater overdraft occurs when groundwater use exceeds the amount of recharge into an aquifer, which leads to a decline in groundwater level. This condition is occurring in an increasing number of groundwater basins throughout California, and is impacting the state in many ways. Groundwater overdraft occurs when the groundwater resources are used up more quickly than they are replenished. Groundwater overdraft can occur for a period of time without noticeable consequences, but eventually the aquifer will not be able to keep up with the rate of use as its water storage is depleted.
The Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system.
New machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient.
Yes, it has been exaggerated.
The death of apps referring to the situation where businesses obtain less and less visitors from their apps as more competitors able to penetrate the app store.
But the fact is, in last year alone, Apple still obtain about $ 70 Billion in gross revenue from the appstore alone.So the 'death of apps' wouldn't be seen anytime soon.
Body Mass Index or BMI is a unit that widely used to determine the nutritional status of someone. You can find BMI by dividing the body mass with the square of height. This measurement is more accurate than the mass alone since it uses height. But this measurement is not good for an athlete since they have more muscle mass. Their BMI will be higher and make them seems overweight but the excess comes from the muscle mass, not the fat.