There are 6 octects ( 8 bit numbers ) in a MAC address, so there's 256^6 possible addresses.
see below
The program of interest is the function "findMode[x, n]" in the attached. It is written the Wolfram Language of Mathematica.
The basic idea is that the data in the array is sorted. The sorted array is partitioned into sets of identical elements, and the number in each of those sets is counted. The maximum of those counts is the mode. The location of the maximum count corresponds to the location of the set having that count. We use that location information to pull out the mode value(s).
If there is more than one mode, all are reported.
An example data array is provided, along with the program output.
Cynthia career field would be a office job such as assisting a CEO or leader of a company.
Targeted attacks are usually harder because if someone has a password that is 1234 and you try it on 100 computers, you most likely will get someones password. If you are targetting a select computer with a strong password it is much harder to brute force or guess.