A recent study of college students from low-SES backgrounds and high-SES backgrounds conducted by VanKim and Laska showed that college students from low-SES backgrounds ate more fast food and fewer fruits and vegetables than their higher-SES counterparts. According to them "Higher nutritional knowledge, which is associated with a greater SES, is associated with engagement in more healthful weight-loss methods".
A recent study of college students from low-SES backgrounds and high-SES backgrounds conducted by VanKim and Laska showed that college students from low-SES backgrounds ENGAGED IN LOWER LEVELS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY than their higher-SES counterparts.
Lewis and Clark's achievements were extensive. It transformed North America's colonial battle for power, a particularity of the northwest Pacific. In the areas known today as Oregon and Washington, the US was reinforced.
Tempest (Telecommunications Electronics Materials Protected from Emanating Spurious Transmissions) is a branch of the US National Security Agency. The function of this organization is to protect against spying on information systems. The methods they use are for transmitting emanations, including unintentional radio or electrical signals, sounds, and vibrations.