since this is a multiplication, all the numerators are just factors of the product numerator and all denominators are just factors of the product denominator, so we can simply reorder them some, without changing the product.

what is the question ? Volume or surface area???
17 people per hour
Step-by-step explanation:
First, we compute the highest common factor between the numbers of toys. The highest common factor for 45, 105 and 75 is 15. Therefore, we will need 15 shelves. On each shelf, there will be 45/15 = 3 dolls, 105/15 = 7 footballs and 75/15 = 5 small cars
To find the total length of the two copper pipes, we need to add them together.
2 5/12 + 3 7/12 = 5 12/12
Since 12/12 = 1 or a whole, we can simplify this further.
5 12/12 = 6
Hope this helps!