Answer and Explanation: The figure below shows the doses of BPA administered to the female mice over time.
An experiment is used to determine cause and effect among variables. When the research is for the impact of a treatment, researchers randomly separate individuals in two groups:
- <em><u>Control</u></em> <em><u>Group</u></em> doesn't receive any treament or a placebo or a treatment whose outcome is already known;
- <em><u>Treatment</u></em> <em><u>Group</u></em> receives the treatment;
For the female mice on the image below, in the First Group is not injected any dosage of BPA, so they are the control group, while the <u>others</u> are <u>treatment group</u>.
The variables in a experiment are classified as independents or dependents:
- <em><u>Independent</u></em> <em><u>Variable</u></em> is the cause;
- <em><u>Dependent</u></em> <em><u>Variable</u></em> is the effect;
For the BPA research, since it is the effect of BPA over time on the mice's cells it is being investigated, <u>dosage</u> of BPA is the <u>independent</u> variable and <em>time</em> is the <em>dependent</em> variable.
Answera. use site specific recombination to incorporate their genome into the host genome for prophage replication until the host's growth is threatened.
A temperate phage is a bacteriophage which incorporate it's genome inside the host organism. It replicates it's own genome within the host cell. It basically uses the site specific recombination so as to incorporate the genome within the host cell.
Can't be gravitational, due to the fact that atoms are way too small to have a gravitational pull for something of similar size.
The strong nuclear force is the answer you're looking for.
What Paul and Nancy should do to ensure a fair comparison between all the hives is to d<span>ocument the number of bees as compared to the amount of honey per hive.
This is the only fair comparison, because they will know approximately how much each of the groups produced compared to the number of bees.