Isolated means far away from everyone or everything else. The hermit who lives on a remote island is isolated from the rest of the world, with nothing but coconuts and fish to keep him company.
The word isolated comes from the Latin word insula, which means island. You don't have to be on a remote island to feel isolated, though. Even people who live in big cities can feel a sense of isolation if they don't have many friends and spend a lot of time alone. In addition to remote or set apart, isolated can mean a single event, or incident. The high school students assured their principal that the cafeteria food fight was an isolated incident, promising that it would never, ever happen again.
Most of the daily newspapers that dominate a city profitable because the subscribers are willing to pay much mote for the news from the newspaper that they perceive as the proven leader as compared to other newspapers.
C. Dandelion seeds blow in the wind.
The world war I caused a huge stock market collapse and bank failures which majorly lead to the Great depression.
- As we all know that the world war I started in the year 1914 and lasted till 1918. Though Americans evolved as the winner of the world war I, it completely collapsed their economic status and created a major economic crisis all over the nation.
- Most of the people were left unemployed and also lead to income insecurity.
- This great depression began in 1929 and lasted till the end of 1930 and finally came to an end because of the world war II.
- This world war II offered war job to the unemployed citizens by sending them to the war.
Thus the Americans finally overcame the great depression.