The virus uses the host cell to make new viral parts,
In human blood, there is a compound inside the RBCs called haemoglobin which ensures that the muscle will receive enough oxygen during exercise.
In human blood, the red blood corpuscles contain the haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a iron chelated compound containing porphyrin ring and a globin tail which can establish co-ordinate covalent bond with both oxygen and carbon dioxide. The bonding element depends on the concentration of these two gases. In lungs, where the oxygen concentration is more than carbon dioxide, the haemoglobin bonds with oxygen and brings it to the tissues where carbon dioxide concentration is more. This makes the haemoglobin to release oxygen and bond with carbon dioxide which is brought back to lungs. This is the process by which each and every tissue including the muscles recieve oxygen.
In muscles there is Myoglobin which is another iron-porphyrin compound which has several times more affinity for oxygen than haemoglobin. This helps to extract more oxygen from haemoglobin in muscles.
When a muscle contracts, a bone will move. When a bone contracts, a muscle will move. ... When a ligament contracts, a tendon will move.
The fact that most eukaryotes reproduce sexually is evidence of its evolutionary success. In many animals, it is actually the only mode of reproduction. The genetic diversity of sexually-produced offspring is thought to give species a better chance of surviving in an unpredictable or changing environment.
Black-crowned night-heron. This predator is adapted to hunt at night. In
the French Guiana this is one of the major night heron species with its
cousin the Yellow-crowned night-heron (Nycticorax violacea). Feeds
mainly on aquatic animals, including fish, amphibians and insects.
Coastal swamps.