a. sexual contact is matched with 2. human papilloma virus.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is usually transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact and, in genital-infections, most often, but not exclusively, during sex.
A small lesion of the skin (scratch) or mucous membranes is enough for the virus to enter the body. Its transmission could also be done indirectly through contaminated objects. Attendance at public places such as swimming pools, gymnasiums, sports clubs ... is one of the transmission methods classically mentioned for cutaneous plantar warts.
The infection can spread from a self-inoculation lesion to another site.
b. direct contact is matched with 1. staphylococcus.
There are several modes of transmission of staphylococci. They can be transmitted between individuals, especially in skin infection, but also from contaminated objects such as pillowcases, towels or telephones.
Contagion can also occur through ingestion of food in which bacteria proliferate and release toxins.
c. animal vector is matched with 3. lyme disease.
Lyme borreliosis is transmitted by the bite of ticks of the genus Ixodes.
These vectors are infective at each of the three stages of their development (larva, nymph, adult), become infected during a blood meal performed on animals carrying Borrelia and can also transmit the bacteria to their offspring.
Borrelia is home to many animals: rodents (mice, voles), squirrels, deer and other deer, bears, hares, raccoons and birds.