The one advantage of using DNS assay to detect maltose production is the formation of a soluble and colored product compound.
The reaction that occurs between maltose and DNS in the assay is a redox reaction (reduction and oxidation) such that maltose gets oxidized and becomes Maltonic Acid while the DNS gets reduced into reduced DNS. The intensity of orange/brown /red color of reduced DNS is proportionately related to the amount of Maltose in the solution.
Plants need this waxy outer coating, also known as a cuticle, for a
variety of reasons. The cuticle keeps the important things the plant
needs in, such as water and carbon dioxide, and the things the plant
doesn't need, such as too much heat, out. It performs a few different
functions, including protecting the important cells needed for
Chlorella is a genus of about thirteen species of single-celled green algae belonging to the division Chlorophyta. The cells are spherical in shape, about 2 to 10 μm in diameter, and are without flagella. Their chloroplasts contain the green photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll-a and -b. In ideal conditions cells of Chlorella multiply rapidly, requiring only carbon dioxide, water, sunlight, and a small amount of minerals to reproduce.
La fecundación es el proceso por el cual dos gametos (masculino y femenino) se fusionan durante la reproducción sexual para crear un cigoto con un genoma derivado de ambos progenitores. Los dos fines principales de la fecundación son la combinación de genes derivados de ambos progenitores y la generación de un cigoto.
En el caso de las plantas con semillas pros, hay que diferenciar el fenómeno de la fecundación propiamente dicho (unión íntima de dos células sexuales hasta confundirse sus núcleos respectivos y, en mayor o menor grado, sus citoplasmas),1 del proceso biológico que lo antecede: la polinización, en el que los granos de polen, desarrollados en las tecas que contiene cada antera de un estambre (hoja reproductora masculina), son transportados por el viento o los insectos a los estigmas, donde germinan emitiendo un tubo polínico que crece hacia el ovario. En este caso no se trata de gametos, sino de esporas, pues cada grano de polen contiene dos gametos o células reproductoras masculinas