So the numerator of your fraction (the top number) is the amount that was cut. The denominator (the bottom number) is the total amount of rope. So, your fraction would be 2/12. You can still simplify that by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2 and end up with 1/6. Does that make sense? If you need any more help, go ahead and message me :)
You should definitely improve the quality of the image, because I can't see anything clearly.
Also, the 4th answer is hidden.
I believe the answer is A 3^7
71.4 I think this is it my dad helped
Number of friends in the group = 9
Step-by-step explanation:
Number of cards in the package = 108
Number of cards each friend gets = 12
How many friends were in the group?
Number of friends in the group = Number of cards in the package / Number of cards each friend gets
= 108 / 12
= 9
Number of friends in the group = 9