The answer is <u><em>false</em></u>. 1 second is way too close. It's around the 3-4 second space. You'll learn this in drivers ed if you haven't already.
Histamines are chemicals that your body makes up to help get rid of something that’s bothering you. in relation to allergies, histamines help you get rid of by coughing, sneezing, itching, etc.
The body frame takes into consideration the bone structures which vary in size for different people . Also the bone density of one person is different from another. Weight and density of bones determines the size of the body frame. There are three categories of body frames: small, medium and large frame. People with large frames have a bone structure which is much larger, while people with small frames have much lesser bone weight.
Talking about dying or wanting to die
Talking about feeling empty, hopeless, or having no way out of problems
Mentioning strong feelings of guilt and shame
Talking about not having a reason to live or that others would be better off without them
Social withdrawal and isolation
Giving away personal items and wrapping up loose ends
Saying goodbye to friends and family