After the Battle of Gonzales, he helped organize Texas's provisional government and was selected as the top-ranking official in the Texian Army. He led the Texan Army to victory at the Battle of San Jacinto, the decisive battle in Texas's war for independence against Mexico.
White people owned things that was more advanced than what Blacks had
WW1 had set the stage for WW1 during the 20th century due to imperialist nations who competed and developed alliances, militarism, imperialism, and nationalism. These techniques were often used to gain power and territory, but the clash between major players developed wars. For example, Germany developed a militaristic sense after its shortage of power due to WW1 and the worldwide economic decline. The German people had no choice but to let Hitler "save" them, after observing the poor conditions the country was in. Alliances caused a chain reaction and caused rivalries, leading to the second world war.
COAL; a combustible material that is used as a natural fuel
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING; negotiations between an employer and union representatives concerning wages, hours, and working conditions.
CAUDILLO; the spanish word for military leader.
GUILLOTINE; A death instrument in France consisting of a weighted blade that slides down between two vertical guides and beheads the victim.
COUP D'ETAT; a sudden seizure of government by force.
Answer: e. church elders lacked tolerance.
Explanation: Anne Hutchinson was a preacher in Massachusetts in the the 17th Century. She believed in creating a direct relationship with God rather than going through the church or its representatives. Puritan elders found Anne’s preaching radical and inappropriate because of her gender. In 1637, she was tried before a general court and when she gave a statement about talking to God, she was called a heretic and banished.
The elders lacked tolerance for changes to the norm and did not welcome anyone who challenged their authority.