Secularism has a negative impact at both individual and at societal levels. At the individual level, studies show that people who don’t have faith / reject God become increasingly bitter, impulsive, indulgent, aggressive, lonely, selfish, chaotic, suffer greater anxiety, less loving (agape), less compassionate, more self possessed, despairing, substance abuse
Prevention is better than cure” means better to prevent the disaster from happening than to look for solutions after it has occurred. EXPLANATION: It is better to look at effective management methods for controlling disaster and emergencies.
The change in Denita's opinion demonstrates the <u>matching </u>hypothesis.
Answer: Option A
Matching hypothesis is a type of hypothesis which says and tells how a person gets attracted to another person. People will succeed in a relation ship and would be more committed to a person in a relation ship who is equally desirable in the society as the other person in that relation.
The couples who are different from the others on the physical ground might be together with each other because of some other similarities which compensate for the differences that they have between each other.