Ottoman/Russian Balance of Power.
(There were a number of causes for the Crimean War. None of them particularly good. A conflict between Catholic and Orthodox Christians concerning access to the Holy places in Palestine was one. Arguably this was about Ottoman treatment of Orthodox Christians in Ottoman territory which was a concern to Russia. Inept negotiation made the situation worse.
The major players were Britain, France, and Turkey on one side and Russia on the other. Austria played an important diplomatic role. A since extinct country of Piedmont/Sardinia also sent troops.
Russia lost but the bungling on both sides made the war a gong show from the beginning. Arguably the the issues at stake had been decided before the Crimean portion of the conflict even started. The War was by then pointless homicidal idiocy.
It was an important precursor in the next balance of power moves that created Italy and Germany.)
They where merchants, artisans, professionals suck as lawyers or doctors, and <span>government officials.</span>
Chiến tranh lạnh bắt dầu từ năm 1947 với thông điệp của tổng thống Truman tại quốc hội Mĩ.
Đến tháng 12 – 1989, trong cuộc gặp gỡ không chính thức tại đảo Manta ( Địa Trung Hải), hai nhà lãnh đạo M. Goócbachốp và G. Busơ (cha) đã chính thức tuyên bố chấm dứt Chiến tranh lạnh.
The battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac (This was the ship's name when it was a US Navy ship. The CSA renamed it the Virginia) was the most famous naval encounter of the American Civil War. It is important because it showed that the era of wooden ships was coming to an end.